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    Next Generation Hydro Software

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    A few years ago Deltares started a large multidisciplinary project named Next Generation Hydro Software. The main focus of the project is to improve, harmonize and integrate existing hydro software that has been developed throughout the years. Important technological innovations include development of the new computational core D-Flow Flexible Mesh, as well as the user-friendly, open modelling environment Delta Shell. The project involves more than 40 scientists and software engineers. The new integrated system will allow both water managers and modellers to do their work better and faster. The unique characteristic of the project is that it focuses on the possibility of setting up integrated models of the whole aquatic chain from the source to the sea, resulting in complex model configurations. The challenges further increase because of the involvement of experts from many different fields within the aforementioned aquatic chain. Furthermore, the project addresses the complete workflow of a modeller, including model setup, calibration and validation. For this purpose the system includes new scientific visualization, analysis and interactive modeling tools that enable users to improve their understanding of the modelled processes. Applications of the system show the successful integration of 0D (lumped hydrological models and real-time control rules), 1D (river flow and water quality models) and 2D/3D model components (river, estuary and coastal areas). In this paper some of the preliminary results of the project are demonstrated, as well as its current status and a preview of possible future developments

    Інноваційна діяльність через впровадження технопарків

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